I have been a boatel “resident” for the last 7 years at DYC, and I can’t say enough “good things” about this Marina and the way it is taken care of. It is lovely, clean, well organized and a joy to be a part of.Lew & Onna work hard and take great pride in this place! And I can’t say enough about the service I got this past spring when Gordon Inge worked on my boat with numerous major repairs that is inevitable for every boat owner eventually -manifolds/risers among other things. He was incredible! He kept me informed every step of the way. … and when there were options for me to consider he put those forth to me in a calm thorough manner. I couldn’t have been in better hands. Having to “swallow” any kind of work where “big money” is concerned is never easy for anyone, yet he was able to keep my nerves calm and keep my “fear level” at the lower end of the meter about what the final cost might be…and even came in a bit under. He is good with explaining things and you know that you are paying for a job well done because he is so knowledgeable. Nothing is “left in the dark”. When he told me I had a collapsed hose he was able to show me a picture of it. He slid a camera down the hose and there it was – in all its collapsed glory!…clear as could be. Nothing is left for you to doubt. He is the most incredible technician I have ever had the privilege of working with on getting me and my boat back on the water in a timely fashion!!! DYC is lucky to have him on board.