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Catalina & True North Month

Deltaville Yachting Center 18355 General Puller Hwy, Deltaville, VA, United States

April is Catalina & True North Month. Check Out a Catalina Sailboat or True North Cruiser w/ CYS Broker & Recieve a Gift!

Romp at the Rivah Boater’s Boutique Sale

Deltaville Yachting Center 18355 General Puller Hwy, Deltaville, VA, United States

Come shop at the Romp at the Rivah Boater's Boutique!

Boat Lover’s Day

Deltaville Yachting Center 18355 General Puller Hwy, Deltaville, VA, United States

Boat Lover’s Day - Chesapeake Yacht Sales @DYC 10am-4pm * Boats for Sale * Food * Live Music * Marina Tour * Door Prizes * Free Gifts *

FREE Safety Vessel Inspections

Deltaville Yachting Center 18355 General Puller Hwy, Deltaville, VA, United States

FREE Safety Vessel Inspections @ DYC  9am-1pm USCG Aux. Flotilla 66 Schedule appointment w/Tammy :   [email protected]

2nd Annual Rescue Regatta

Fundraiser for Middlesex County Volunteer Rescue Squad.  Please join us on July 12th and 13th in a race to the rescue!   There will be a day of racing, exhibits and two evenings of good food, and good music at the Deltaville Maritime Museum.  Chesapeake Yacht Sales will be a sponsor.

Shoreline Clean Up

If you are interested in helping keep DYC's Shoreline clean call to set up 804-776-9898

CYS Open House / Boat Show

Chesapeake Yacht Sales Open House & Boat Show.   Catalina & True North Dealer - New models available to tour.    Used Sail & Power Boats available to tour.


Sun Downers & BBQ

Come out to our Clubhouse to relax and socialize.  Bring a dish - Pot Luck!

Silly Santa Sale

Boater's Boutique Sale - CYS Boats Available to tour. Special Sale - Door Prize -